Passport York: How do I change my password? Answer: If you know your current password, follow these steps:
Go to and login with your current credentials.
Under My Services, click on Passport York.
Click on the ...
Software: How do I install Office 365 on my computer? Answer: For students, faculty, and staff, please log into using your Passport York credentials, making sure to add to the username. For example, if ...
Computers, Servers, and Printing: I would like to dispose of old equipment. How do I do this? Answer: Equipment originally purchased by University funds or belonging to Glendon ITS can be disposed of by Glendon ITS. To request for ITS to dispose of ...
Computers, Servers, and Printing: My computer or monitor will not turn on. Suggestions? Answer:
Make sure the power is connected - check any outlets or powerbars - are they switched to on?
Press the power switch. It is usually an ...
Web and Content Management: I need to give someone access to my website. Whom do I contact about this? Answer: Access can only be given to WordPress websites hosted on the Glendon web server. Example Glendon URLs:
If you are an Administrator of the WordPress website, ...
Account Security: My account has been blocked. How can I regain access? Answer: To unlock your accounts, please email the Glendon helpdesk at If you are a member of the Glendon community, email us. If you do not ...