How to Fill out UIT's Sponsored Account form
How to get to the form
What the form Looks Like
How to fill out the Sponsored account form
Parts 1: Sponsor's information.
Part 2: Guest’s Information
Unofficial Part 3 – for UIT’s use only.
To get to the form:
- Go to
- Click on “Information Technology”
- Click on “I am and Employee”
- Sign in using your Passport York credentials.
- Click on “Service Request Forms”
- Under the Accounts Setup section click on “Guest/Non Employee”
- You should now be in the form.
What the form Looks Like:
This is a visual representation of the sponsored account form as it appears on the UIT website.
Areas outlined in blue and green are fields that can and should be updated as per the instructions below.
The areas outlined in red are intended to identify areas that should not be touched by the requestor.
How to fill out the Sponsored account form:
Part 1: Sponsor’s information
The form’s “Part 1” is automatically filled out with the information for the user who has logged into the system.
In the screen capture of the blank form, the items framed in blue have been highlighted as the part of the form where the Sponsor’s information should be included. For example, if you would like you Administrative Assistant to fill out the form, they can change the client for the Sponsor to you but fill out the form on your behalf.
Part 2: Guest’s Information:
In the screen capture of the blank form, the items framed in green have been highlighted as the part of the form where the Guest’s details and needs are required.
Each field will need to be filled out on the form.
- Please confirm that this Guest will not have an employee ID number (i.e. paid through York HR)
- Use the dropdown to answer.
- Renewing Account
- Use the dropdown to answer.
- If this is the first time this person is getting a sponsored account, select “No”.
- You will be asked to provide 3 potential usernames for a new account.
- If you are renewing a previously sponsored account they have/had, select “Yes”
- You will be asked to provide the username to be renewed
- If this is the first time this person is getting a sponsored account, select “No”.
- Use the dropdown to answer.
- Guest’s York Affiliation:
- Choose from the available options:
- Guest Staff
- Guest Faculty
- Grad – Withdrawn
- Use “Grad-withdrawn” for Auditing students. Include additional relevant details in the “Details of Guest’s York Affiliation”.
- Choose from the available options:
- Guest’s First name
- Guest’s last name
- Guest’s phone number
- This is a number where UIT can reach the guest directly
- Guest’s Campus address
- This is where the Guest will be working on campus, office or location. For auditing students, enter N/A.
- Expiry date
- Length of time to have the account active.
- NOTE: Sponsored accounts are limited to a one year maximum but can be renewed annually.
- Length of time to have the account active.
- Details of Guest’s York affiliation
- Add any additional information such as whether they are instructing for a specific course, visiting lecturer, auditing student, etc.
- 10. Guest’s personal e-mail address (non-YorkU) a. This is where their sponsored account credentials will be sent.
- Computing Services requested
- There are many Computing Services that can be requested. Consider the following:
- FAS Access: This will allow the user to be able to log into Wi-Fi and on-campus computers
- Passport York and LDAP: Access to Moodle/Eclass and most of York’s systems
- email address for Zoom: accounts require an active email address to participate in internal Zoom meetings.
- Do they require a YorkU email address?
- Faculty will also need access to Classlist and GAM (grades access module)
- Access to YUGrades System
- Access to library resources and eResources
- Access to specific printers or the general unified Glendon Printers on Ricoh
- There are many Computing Services that can be requested. Consider the following:
NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list of all available accounts and accesses, but the main items usually requested.
Unofficial Part 3 – for UIT’s use only
The section bordered in red should remain untouched. This is for UIT’s internal use and changing these fields will break the form.