I would like to record a Zoom session and obtain a link for a stream. How can I do this?

~ 0 min
2020-04-30 21:46

 (Note - Recordings are currently kept until the end of the semester they were recorded in)

To obtain a streaming link from your Zoom presentation which can be inserted into your eClass/Moodle course, please follow these directions

1) Log into https://yorku.zoom.us/profile  using your PPY@yorku account credentials.

2) Click on Host a meetingSelect With video or Without video (with the latter you'll be able to record just the sound).

3) A popup window will appear - click on Open Zoom.

4) Configure the audio/video as required from the popup window.

5) When you are ready to capture your lesson, click on the Record button and then select Record to the cloudThere will be an audible alert signalling the start of recording. Pressing Pause suspends recording. 


7) When you are finished recording the session, press Stop

8) A prompt will appear asking you to confirm the cessation of recording. Press Yes and an email notification will be sent to you.

9) You will receive an email with a link from Zoom. This link can be disseminated to the students via email or by posting it in eClass. 

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