I want access to a website to make updates. How can I get access?

~ 0 min
2020-04-06 17:27

Access can only be given to WordPress websites hosted on the Glendon web server. A Glendon website will have have "glendon" in the URL, for example:




To get access to a Glendon website, please contact the website's Administrators and request it directly with them. They can give you access under the Administrator role (e.g. Editor, Author, Contributor, etc. roles).

If you need Admnistrator access, please contact the website's Administrators directly as well. They will need to fill out the Access to a WordPress Website Request form on your behalf.

In order to ensure the security of the website, we may contact you to request more information regarding your request.

Access can only be given to the entire website. We cannot give access to sections of a website.

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