I need to give someone access to my website. Whom do I contact about this?

~ 0 min
2020-04-06 17:27

Access can only be given to WordPress websites hosted on the Glendon web server. Example Glendon URLs:




If you are an Administrator of the WordPress website, you can add new users directly within WordPress and give them roles under the Administrator (e.g. Editor, Contributor, Author, Subscriber). For step-by-step instructions on how to add users, visit the WordPress 101 training website: Website Set Up > Managing Users.

If you want to give a user Administrator access (e.g. so they can edit menus, widgets, forms, among other things), please fill out the Access to a WordPress Website Request form.

Please note:

If you are a manager, a supervisor, or coordinator that manages or oversees the WordPress website(s) you can proceed with the request form.

If you are not a manager, a supervisor, or coordinator of the WordPress website(s), please communicate directly with the supervisor, or manager, or coordinator of the website(s) so that they can process the request on your behalf.

In order to ensure the security of the website, we may contact you to request more information regarding your request.

Access can only be given to the entire website. We cannot give access to sections of a website.

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